Thursday, March 30, 2023

Key Takeaways from Opening Doors to Possibilities, a LinkedIn Live Event by Sau Yong (S.Y.), Chin & Adeline Tiah

Opening Doors to Possibilities REINVENTING Our Lives & Work: A LinkedIn Live Event was hosted by Sau - Yong (S.Y.) Chin on 30th March. A Leadership & REINVENT Coach & Author, Adeline Tiah spoke. 

This talk shared insights on how to increase our chances of realizing our best selves, not only by opening, but by creating new doors.

Reinvent stands for:

R - Risk Taking Mindset

E - Entrepreneurial Thinking

I - Inclusiveness

N - Noticeable

V - Vulnerable

E - Empathy

N - Networking skills

T - Trans-disciplinary learning

Just like software versions, reinvention is a journey of multiple career upgrades

Reimagining is a marathon, a journey for longevity, not a race for the top

There is no constant change, only exponential

Rather than climbing ladders, future workers will build career ladders

It's not how hard you work that determines your pay, but how hard you are to replace

In the market, hybrid skills will command a 20% premium

Looking for a job should be like looking for a business opportunity, rather than looking at a JD; think about problems you can solve, value you can bring

Don't be afraid to fail when reinventing yourself. Don't set unrealistic expectations, just do your best

The ability to recognize when to take short strategic breaks, rest & recharge, is vital to reinvention

The concept of transdisciplinary learning means learning skills outside your domain, which is very important in the current situation. It involves learning complementary skill sets, creating an overlap to create a niche

Be intentional when learning trans-disciplinary skills, look for opportunities to apply the skills learned & monetise it i.e. are people willing to pay you for it (in-demand skills)

In life, you need to take strategic risks & venture outside of your comfort zone. Be entrepreneurial by seeing the possibilities and taking risks instead of seeing road blocks. Mentality matters.

The move that matters the most is the next step taken

You learn, you learn, you relearn, and you get stronger

To embrace a growth mindset, we must be aware, accept, and adapt (adjust).

Adeline concluded by saying that Arnold Schwarzennegger is a great example of Reinvention, as he started out as a body builder, reinvented himself as a leading Hollywood actor, later served as governor for two terms and is now a keynote speaker.

Always strive to be an improved version of yourself. Take that first step and unlock new possibilities

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